Site Preparation can vary on what style building you are planning on purchasing. The preparation also varies on what your local township requires to have the building meet all set codes.
Even if not required by law, we do recommend that with our larger buildings (Garages and larger Sheds), a concrete pad or cement piers within the ground work best.
We also ask that the level area be 6’ wider than the building itself to allow easier access for delivery.
Our smaller buildings can be set on a 4” thick bed of ¾ or Quarry Processed. For our smaller buildings we ask that the shed pad be 2’ bigger than the building itself.
For the buildings delivery, we use what is called a Mule. The Mule allows us to have access to almost any spot for your building. In order to use the Mule we secure to one of the gable ends of the building, and put a set of wheels on the other gable end of the building.